86 archive

Welcome to this page!

This page was made to display my most recent releases, aswell as my thought processes during the making. It will furthermore be my personal site, portraying all of my latest projects or just stuff that might run through my head or moves me. Also I'm practicing with this page, as i am currently following the process of becoming a Front-End-Developer. This project will keep growing and I will work on this pageges content, function and design everyday and as much as I am capable of. If u have any inquieries, ideas or feedback, want to feat. or you just want to have a chat. Please feel free to write me direct messages on instagram or soundcloud.

My current releases.

This section will display all of my recent releases. Please note that all of the links are soundcloud links only, reason being thats where I upload most of my projects. Some of my songs will also be available on all platforms. If there is, the mentioned song will me marked with a special symbol.

eightycigs schlafentzug
eightycigs zweite dosis
eightycigs finessen ft. mjy
eightycigs molly girl -> also on spotify: eightycigs